2005 - Nanda Rea - Magnetars' multiwavelength study
2005 - Katrien Steenbrugge - High-resolution X-ray spectral diagnostics of Active Galactic Nuclei
2005 - Brian Jackson - NbTiN-Based THz SIS Mixers for the Herschel Space Observatory
2005 - Andrey Baryshev - Superconductor-InsulatorSuperconductor THz Mixer Integrated with a Superconducting Flux-Flow Oscillator
2004 - Wouter Bergmann Tiest - Energy resolving power of transition-edge X-ray microcalorimeters
2004 - Miranda van den Broek - The Arctic winter stratosphere: Simulated with a 3-D Chemistry Transport Model
2004 - Kurt van der Heyden - High-resolution X-ray spectral diagnostics of shell type Supernova Remnants
2003 - Remon Cornelisse - A wide field view of the population of X-ray bursters in the Galaxy
2003 - Jeronimo Salas - Physics and Chemistry of Gas in Planetary Nebulae
2003 - Henrik Spoon - Mid-infrared spectroscopy of dusty galactic nuclei