Portretfoto SRONLeiden Aaldertvan-Amerongen

Aaldert van Amerongen

Head of the Earth Observation Program (Dr.)

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Alex Simon

Alex Simon

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Alexander Eigenraam

Alexander Eigenraam

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Amine Adıgüzel

Amine Adıgüzel

Digital Design Engineer

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Ana Isabel Lopez Noreña

Ana Isabel Lopez Noreña

Atmospheric scientist. PhD

Ana Isabel Lopez Noreña

Atmospheric scientist. PhD

At SRON, I use satellite data and atmospheric modeling to quantify and track methane super emitters.

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Andrew Barr

Andrew Barr

Scientist (Dr.)

Andrew Barr

Scientist (Dr.)

At SRON, I am oversee the development and maintenance of the RemoTeC retrieval algorithm.

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Portretfoto SRONGroningen Antonio la marca

Antonio La Marca

Ph.D. Candidate

Antonio La Marca

Ph.D. Candidate

My research focuses on galaxy evolution and active galactic nuclei.

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Portretfoto SRONLeiden Ardit Arifi

Ardit Arifi

Portretfoto SRONGroningen Medewerker 02

Arthur Bennebroek

Portretfoto SRONLeiden ArthurWaterschoot

Arthur Waterschoot

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Aurora Simionescu

Aurora Simionescu

Senior Scientist, Dr.

Aurora Simionescu

Senior Scientist, Dr.

I use space telescopes to study the plasma that fills the space between galaxies in the cosmic web.

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Portretfoto SRONGroningen Axel Detrain

Axel Detrain

Portretfoto SRONLeiden BabakJahanin

Babak Jahani

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Bastiaan van Diedenhoven

Bastiaan van Diedenhoven

Senior Scientist, PhD

Bastiaan van Diedenhoven

Senior Scientist, PhD

My research is focused on clouds and aerosols, their interactions and their influence on climate.

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Benjamin Ricketts

Benjamin Ricketts

PhD candidate

Benjamin Ricketts

PhD candidate

I am a PhD candidate within the astro group, who works on modelling black holes.

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Berend J. Schuit

Berend J. Schuit

PhD Candidate

Berend J. Schuit

PhD Candidate

Working on detecting methane emission plumes in satellite data using machine learning techniques.

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Portretfoto SRONGroningen Berta Margalef

Berta Margalef

Portretfoto Bilim Atli-Velin, SRON

Bilim Atli-Veltin

Head of technology (Dr.)

Bilim Atli-Veltin

Head of technology (Dr.)

I am leading SRON’s scientific program line, Technology.

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Portretfoto SRONLeiden Billy Edwards

Billy Edwards

Portretfoto Bram Maasakkers, SRON

Bram Maasakkers

Senior Scientist (dr. ir.)

Brecht Simon

Brecht Simon

Channah Vogel

Channah Vogel

Analog Desgin Engineer (ing.)

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Chen Li

Chen Li

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Christina Dwi Riyanti

Christina Dwiriyanti

Senior Software Design Engineer

Portrain image of Claudia van Oostrum, Head of Communications at SRON Space Research Organisation Netherlands

Claudia van Oostrum

Head of Communications Department (Drs.)

Claudia van Oostrum

Head of Communications Department (Drs.)

I am responsible for overseeing and managing SRON’s communication strategies, external and internal.

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Portretfoto SRONLeiden DaanRoos

Daan Roos

PhD Candidate at the Technology Science Group

Daan Roos

PhD Candidate at the Technology Science Group

I design and analyse superconducting detectors & quasi-optical systems for far-infrared telescopes.

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Damian Audley

Damian Audley

Instrument Scientist

Damian Audley

Instrument Scientist

I develop and characterize cryogenic detector systems for astronomy.

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Portretfoto SRONLeiden DanielaPerez

Daniela Perez Capelo

Cleanroom process engineer

Daniela Perez Capelo

Cleanroom process engineer

I am working in the nano development team by assessing high yield fabrication routes for MKIDs.

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David  Thoen

David Thoen

Sectiehoofd Nano Development (Ing.)

Portretfoto SRONLeiden DavidDoelman

David Doelman-Oldenburger


David Doelman-Oldenburger


Developing advanced liquid-crystal optics for exoplanet detection and characterization.

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Portretfoto SRONLeiden Davide Vaccaro

Davide Vaccaro

Portretfoto SRONGroningen Durk

Durk Steenhuizen

Head Mechanical Design & Realisation

Portretfoto SRON Leiden Elisa Constantini

Elisa Costantini

Senior research scientist and lead for the high-energy group

Elisa Costantini

Senior research scientist and lead for the high-energy group

Accretion and ejection in compact objects, interstellar dust, future X-ray missions

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Portretfoto SRONLeiden Emanuele Taralli

Emanuele Taralli

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Emre Erbaş

Emre Erbaş

Senior Analog Electronics Engineer

Emre Erbaş

Senior Analog Electronics Engineer

I design high-frequency digital circuits, RF, and analog circuits for various projects at SRON.

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Portretfoto SRONLeiden Erik Arends

Erik Arends

Communication Advisor

Portretfoto SRONGroningen Erik

Erik van der Meer

Portretfoto SRONLeiden FionaLippert 25

Fiona Lippert

Research Scientist

Fiona Lippert

Research Scientist

I work at the intersection of machine learning and Earth Observation.

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Portretfoto SRONGroningen Floris van der Tak

Floris van der Tak

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Frank Uittenbosch

Frank Uittenbosch

Head of ICT

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Frans Zwart

Frans Zwart

Portretfoto SRONGroningen Gabby Aitink Kroes

Gabby Aitink-Kroes

Senior Opto-mechanical design engineer (Ing/BSc)

Gabby Aitink-Kroes

Senior Opto-mechanical design engineer (Ing/BSc)

At SRON, I design and build instruments that help scientists study space.

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Portretfoto SRONGroningen Geert Jan Kalfsbeek

Geert Jan Kalfsbeek

Portretfoto SRONGroningen Geert

Geert Keizer

Portretfoto SRONLeiden GiuliaConenna

Giulia Conenna

Hailing Jia

Hailing Jia

Scientist (Dr.)

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Hans Bosman

Hans Bosman

Head of Housing and Facilities

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Hélène Peiro

Hélène Peiro


Henk Hoevers

Henk Hoevers

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Henk van Weers

Henk van Weers

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Ilse Aben

Ilse Aben

Senior scientist (prof. dr.)

Portretfoto SRONLeiden IrinaMalysheva

Irina Malysheva

Head of Instrument Science Group at SRON location Groningen Jan Geralt bij de Vaate

Jan Geralt Bij de Vaate

Head of Instrument Science (Dr., ir)

Jan Geralt Bij de Vaate

Head of Instrument Science (Dr., ir)

Head of Instrument Science, Manager of SRON Groningen, Industrial Liason Officer for SRON.

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Portretfoto SRONGroningen Jan van de Kuur

Jan van der Kuur

Jan van Schaijk

Jan van Schaijk

Teamleider Realisatie

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Medewerker 1

Jan-Willem den Herder

Portretfoto SRONGroningen Jarno

Jarno Panman

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Jean in 't Zand

Jean in ’t Zand

Jean in ’t Zand

Jean is a staff member of the High Energy Astrophysics group at SRON, focusing on science and instrument development. The science focuses on accretion processes around neutron stars and black holes, thermonuclear shell flashes on neutron stars and using them as diagnostics for rare nuclear reactions and the densest matter in the visible universe. The instrument development concerns the development of coded aperture imaging for wide field X-ray camera applications (e.g., Mir-Kvant, BeppoSAX, LOFT, eXTP, STROBE-X) and the development of large low-noise photo diodes for the space-borne gravitational wave observatory LISA. Other experience involves proposal writing for observations and funding, university teaching, supervision of (PhD) students, refereeing, reviewing, editorship personnel magazine and organizing conferences.

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Portretfoto SRONLeiden Jelle de Plaa

Jelle de Plaa

Research Software Engineer

Jelle de Plaa

Research Software Engineer

As a research software engineer of the Astrophysics group, I support the group members on software and other data science topics.

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Portretfoto SRONLeiden Jelmar Gerritsen

Jelmar Gerritsen

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Jens Johansen

Jens Johansen

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Jeroen Rietjens

Jeroen Rietjens

Senior Instrument Scientist

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Jian-Rong Gao

Jian-Rong Gao

Head of Cryogenic Instrument Section

Portretfoto Jochem Baselmans, SRON

Jochem Baselmans


Jochem Baselmans


I lead the development of Kinetic Inductance Detectors with a 50/50 appointment in SRON and TU Delft

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Portretfoto SRONLeiden Jochen Campo

Jochen Campo

Optical Instrument Scientist

Jochen Landgraf

Senior Scientist

Jochen Landgraf

Senior Scientist

TANGO PI, group leader

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Portretfoto SRONLeiden Johannes Dercksen

Johannes Dercksen

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Joris van der Vlugt

Joris van der Vlugt

Portretfoto SRONGroningen Jose Rebeiro

Jose Ribeiro

Portretfoto SRONGroningen José Silva

José Silva

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Julia Wasala

Julia Wasala

PhD student, MSc

Karin Louzada

Karin Louzada

Project Manager Earth, PhD

Portretfoto SRONLeiden KenichiKaratsu

Kenichi Karatsu

Instrument Scientist A. (Dr.)

Kenichi Karatsu

Instrument Scientist A. (Dr.)

I am developing superconducting Kinetic Inductance Detector (KID) in the Technology group.

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Kenichiro Nagayoshi

Kenichiro Nagayoshi

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Kevin Ravensberg

Kevin Ravensberg

B. Eng., Physics Research Assistant A Experimenteel

Kevin Ravensberg

B. Eng., Physics Research Assistant A Experimenteel

I assist scientists with experiments for space research.

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Portretfoto SRONLeiden LarsAafjes

Lars Aafjes

Research Instrumentmaker

Lars Aafjes

Research Instrumentmaker

I produce and build high-precision instruments for space and earth observation.

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Portretfoto SRONLeiden Laura van der Schaaf

Laura van der Schaaf

Optical instrument scientist, PhD

Laura van der Schaaf

Optical instrument scientist, PhD

I work on instrument characterization.

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Portretfoto SRONGroningen Lingyu Wang

Lingyu Wang

Senior scientist at SRON, Affiliated associate professor at RUG

Lingyu Wang

Senior scientist at SRON, Affiliated associate professor at RUG

I study galaxy evolution, primarily using surveys over a range of wavelengths.

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Portretfoto SRONLeiden Liyi Gu

Liyi Gu

Scientist, Dr.

Liyi Gu

Scientist, Dr.

I explore fundamental questions in high-energy astrophysics by utilizing X-ray spectroscopy.

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Portretfoto SRONGroningen Lorenza

Lorenza Ferrari

Section head of Cryogenics location Groningen

Portretfoto SRONLeiden LucianoGottardi

Luciano Gottardi

PhD in Experimental physics; Instrument Scientist

Luciano Gottardi

PhD in Experimental physics; Instrument Scientist

Development of low temperature detectors for application in astroparticle physics.

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Portretfoto SRONLeiden Manon Birchall

Manon Birchall

Head of Finance (MSc)

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Marcel Bruijn

Marcel Bruijn

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Marijn Siemons

Marijn Siemons

Optical Instrument Scientist, Dr.Ir.

Marijn Siemons

Optical Instrument Scientist, Dr.Ir.

I develop and calibrate new instruments to measure trace gases and aerosols in the atmosphere.

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Portretfoto SRONLeiden Mario Vretenar

Mario Vretenar

Portretfoto SRONLeiden MartijnSeverijnen

Martijn Severijnen

Martijn Smit

Martijn Smit

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Martin de Wit

Martin de Wit

PhD in Experimental physics; Instrument Scientist

Martin de Wit

PhD in Experimental physics; Instrument Scientist

Expert in superconducting detectors and cryogenic instrumentation for X-ray Spectrometry

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Portretfoto SRONLeiden Martin Frericks

Martin Frericks

Portretfoto Martin Grim SRON

Martin Grim

Head of Engineering (a.i.)

Martin Grim

Head of Engineering (a.i.)

I temporarily lead the Engineering Group.

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Portretfoto SRONLeiden Matej Arko

Matej Arko

Micah Klettke

Micah Klettke

Senior software design engineer

Micah Klettke

Senior software design engineer

Software and systems engineering to support the next generation of infrared space missions.

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Portretfoto SRONLeiden MichaelWise

Michael Wise

Algemeen en Wetenschappelijk Directeur van SRON (Prof. Dr.)

Michiel Darcis

Michiel Darcis

PhD Candidate

Portretfoto SRONGroningen Michiel Min

Michiel Min

Senior Scientist (dr.)

Michiel Min

Senior Scientist (dr.)

I use space telescopes and atmospheric modelling to study planets around stars other than the Sun.

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Portretfoto SRONLeiden Mirco Muttillo

Mirco Muttillo

Senior Electronics Analog designer, PhD.

Monique Oldenburg

Monique Oldenburg

Nathalie Gorter

Nathalie Gorter

Product Assurance Manager

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Nick de Keijzer

Nick de Keijzer

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Otto P Hasekamp

Otto P Hasekamp

Portretfoto SRONLeiden PaulKrutzen

Paul Krutzen


Portretfoto02 SRONLeiden PaulvanderHulst

Paul van der Hulst

System engineer (ir.)

Paul van der Hulst

System engineer (ir.)

Modelling electro-physical systems and design of the electronics around cryogenic sensors.

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Portretfoto SRONLeiden Peter Paul Kooijman

Peter Paul Kooijman

Portretfoto Peter Roelfsma SRON

Peter Roelfsema

Dr. Senior Scientist/Senior Project manager

Peter Roelfsema

Dr. Senior Scientist/Senior Project manager

As lead for SRON Low Energy Astrophysics I promote and acquire new (Far) Infrared instrumentation projects for the Dutch astronomical community

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Portretfoto SRONLeiden Phillip Laubert

Phillip Laubert

Portretfoto Pieter de Visser SRON

Pieter de Visser

Portretfoto SRONGroningen Pieter Dieleman

Pieter Dieleman

Pieter Rijsdijk

Pieter Rijsdijk

Promovendus, Msc

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Piyushkumar Patel

Piyushkumar Patel

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Pourya Khosropanah

Pourya Khosropanah

XIFU/NL Project Manager, Project Manager / Instrument Scientist, Instrument Science Group

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Pratik Rao

Pratik Rao

Scientist, Dr.

SRON portretfoto Ralf Kohlhaas

Ralf Kohlhaas

Head of OptX section

Raul Laasner

Raul Laasner

Senior Software Design Engineer, Dr.

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Medewerker 2

René van der Windt

Portretfoto SRONLeiden René Wanders

René Wanders

Portretfoto SRONGroningen RenskevandenBerg 02

Renske van den Berg

Communications Advisor

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Ricardo Bolt

Ricardo Bolt

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Richard van Hees

Richard van Hees

Portretfoto SRONLeiden RobdelaRie

Rob de la Rie

Portretfoto SRONLeiden RobDetmers

Rob Detmers

beleidsmedewerker / directiesecretaris

Portretfoto SRONGroningen Robert Huisman

Robert Huisman

Portretfoto Roland den Hartog SRON

Roland den Hartog

Senior Instrument Scientist (B, Dr.)

Roland den Hartog

Senior Instrument Scientist (B, Dr.)

1. Responsible for XIFU FPA performance and verification
2. Lead of X-ray interferometry development

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Portretfoto SRONGroningen Russell Shipman

Russell Shipman

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Ruud Hoogeveen

Ruud Hoogeveen

Senior Instrument Scientist, Senior Project Manager

Ruud Hoogeveen

Senior Instrument Scientist, Senior Project Manager

Project Manager for SRON Earth-observing missions: SPEXone Second Generation, and TANGO.

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Portretfoto SRONLeiden Sander van Loon

Sander van Loon

Sandra van Gessel

HR Manager, Ing en B-HRM

Shahab Dabironezare

Shahab Dabironezare

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Simon van Alphen

Simon van Alphen

Research Instrumentmaker, Engineering Realization

Simon van Alphen

Research Instrumentmaker, Engineering Realization

As a Research Instrument Maker at SRON, I am daily involved in creating innovative hardware components for instruments and test setups. From CNC milling and programming to conventional turning and milling, I design and build, together with my colleagues, whatever is needed to support our projects. I also design tools for the workshop or for clamping parts. Inside or outside the cleanroom, I assemble various systems and assist in integrating hardware into cryostats. Additionally, I work on adhesi...
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Portretfoto SRONLeiden Solomiia Kurchaba

Solomiia Kurchaba

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Soumyajit Mandal

Soumyajit Mandal

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Srijana Lama

Srijana Lama

Portretfoto SRONGroningen Stephen Yates

Stephen Yates

Portretfoto SRONLeiden TerriBrandt

Terri Brandt

Head of Astrophysics Programme (Dr.)

Terri Brandt

Head of Astrophysics Programme (Dr.)

Lads SRON’s Astrophysics Program to enable audacious astrophysics.

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Portretfoto SRONLeiden Theo Huegens

Theo Huegens

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Tim van Kempen

Tim A. van Kempen

Instrument Scientist A

Tobias A. de Jong

Tobias A. de Jong

Atmospheric Scientist C. (Dr.)

Tobias A. de Jong

Atmospheric Scientist C. (Dr.)

Using satellite data to observe and quantify methane superemitters.

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Tobias Borsdorff

Tobias Borsdorff

Scientist, Dr.

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Tobias Vos

Tobias Vos

Software design engineer A

Tobias Vos

Software design engineer A

Software engineer for SRON’s contributions to X-IFU, an instrument aboard the Athena space telescope.

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Portretfoto SRONLeiden Tonny Coppens

Tonny Coppens

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Vishal Anvekar

Vishal Anvekar

Process engineer, Instrument science group - Nano

Vishal Anvekar

Process engineer, Instrument science group - Nano

I specialize in developing cleanroom processes and microfabrication of chips for a range of advanced technologies.

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Portretfoto SRONLeiden Vitor Batista daSilva

Vitor Batista daSilva

Portretfoto SRONLeiden WilbertRas

Wilbert Ras-Vinke

Ph.D. in the Technology Group

Wilbert Ras-Vinke

Ph.D. in the Technology Group

I work on superconducting, single-photon detectors for exoplanet characterization.

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Portretfoto SRONGroningen Willem Jan

Willem Jan Vreeling

Willem Jellema

Willem Jellema

Portretfoto SRONGroningen Wouter Laauwen

Wouter Laauwen

Portretfoto SRONLeiden XinZhang

Xin Zhang

Portretfoto SRONLeiden Yusuf Bhatti

Yusuf Bhatti

Scientist C

Yusuf Bhatti

Scientist C

Climate modeler using observations to reduce aerosol and cloud uncertainties with machine learning.

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