SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research

Three Women In Science Excel (WISE) tenure tracks at NWO’s research institutes

The Women In Science Excel (WISE) programme provides talented female scientists with an opportunity to develop or expand their own research group at one of the NWO institutes. NWO believes in providing opportunities for all talented researchers to excel. As such, NWO is committed to improving the gender balance among its research staff. WISE contributes directly by attracting top female researchers and promoting their advancement. Over a period of five years, NWO’s institutes will be offering 20 WISE fellowships.

The tenure track positions target young female researchers who have obtained their PhD preferably at least three years ago. Successful candidates will be offered a tenure track position (five years) at the institute of their choice. Following a successful tenure track, fellows will receive a tenured position at the same institute. There are also opportunities for more senior female researchers, who qualify more quickly for tenured positions.

Three WISE tenure tracks are being offered in the first round of the programme. The NWO research institutes participating in this first round are:  AMOLF, ARCNL, ASTRON, CWI, Nikhef, NIOZ and NSCR (SRON will join probably in a later stage). For details concerning each institute’s research topics and strategy, please check 

General requirements
You are a highly motivated and enthusiastic researcher and obtained your PhD degree preferably at least three years ago. You have an exemplary research record backed by publications in international top journals and/or peer-reviewed books. You have the ability to act independently and have worked in several research institutes, preferably in different countries. You are capable of establishing partnerships with researchers in other scientific fields. You have a proven affinity for teaching, demonstrated by tutoring/mentoring of individuals or small groups, for example. You have very good organisational and communication skills, and know how to inspire your co-workers. You will be expected to acquire external funding for research projects and to learn the Dutch language. 

Your application must include a well-founded, innovative research plan for the first five years and a challenging outlook for the future, which takes into account the international research landscape of the institute you want to work for.

Conditions of employment
We offer a top-level research environment with excellent opportunities to expand and develop your own research programme and personal development plan. At the start of your contract, you will develop a strategy to ensure the successful completion of your tenure track. This strategy will also detail arrangements to guarantee a strong starting position for you (such as a PhD position or a consumables budget) and provide you with personal development guidance (such as courses and the assignment of a mentor). Employees from abroad will receive support settling in the Netherlands, for example with housing or finding partners a suitable job.

The tenure track position is for a maximum of five years depending on experience and accomplishments. The terms of employment comply with the Dutch Collective Labour Agreement for Research Centres (‘CAO-onderzoekinstellingen’). Depending on your background and experience, the gross monthly salary of a tenure track position on a full-time basis will range between €3,469.00 and €5,425.00 gross per month. Employees are also entitled to a holiday allowance of 8% of the gross annual salary and a year-end bonus of 8.33%. It is possible to work part-time with a minimum of 0.8 FTE. If the employment is less than 1 FTE, the term of the employment will be extended proportionally, with a maximum of six years.

Your performance will be evaluated regularly during your tenure track term, based on performance criteria agreed upon and outlined in your tenure track plan. You will be offered a tenured position at the end of a successfully completed tenure track term.

Applicants should submit:

  1. a full curriculum vitae including a complete list of publications;
  2. a letter of motivation, including which of the participating NWO research institutes you want to apply for;
  3. a 3-5 page research plan, including a statement of research accomplishments and future research goals, possible collaborations within the institute or outside the institute, and how this research dovetails with the institute’s strategy;
  4. a list of 3-5 selected ‘best papers’ (preferably including copies); and
  5. the names and contact information (including e-mail addresses) of 3 referees.

The application files should be sent electronically in PDF format to Applications with incomplete credentials will not be taken into consideration. You may apply for this position until September 28 2016 14:00 CEST. 

The application is a two-step procedure. A committee assigned by the institute chosen by the candidate will make an initial selection. An independent committee with (international) researchers from outside the institutes will evaluate and prioritise the candidate(s) nominated by the institutes and make the final decision. More details about the application procedure and the timeframe reserved for interviews can be found on

For more information, please contact Sandra de Keijzer via or +31 (0)30 600 1217. Please do not send application documents to this address! For more information about the WISE programme, please visit the website: