SRON, TNO, ASTRON and NOVA have joined forces to show their latest innovations and technologies in the field of instrumentation for astronomy. The venue is the SPIE Astronomy, Telescopes and Instrumentation technical exhibition, in Amsterdam RAI, 1 to 6 July. The participating companies will be happy to present and explain their innovations to visitors, especially during the joint networking event that they are organizing at Tuesday, July 3rd.
SPIE is the international society for optics and photonics and founder of an interdisciplinary approach to astronomical and instrumentation science. At the Dutch Eyes on the Skies pavilion SRON presents information on the technology for SPICA-SAFARI, Herschel-HIFI and other international space missions. The visitor will also be presented with hardware like a HIFI flight model, TES-detectors, Kinetic Inductance Detectors, LC Resonators and an X-ray source for the Japanese mission ASTRO-H.
Papers and presentations

SRON participates in the SPIE programme with a great number of papers and presentations.
Visitors are most welcome to The Dutch Eyes on the Skies pavilion, booth number 313, Technical Exibition. Especially at the networking event at Tuesday July 3rd, 18.30-20.00 hours. Visitors who do not participate in the conference are requested to register for the exhibition (no charge) via the SPIE website. For more information on the SRON stand please contact Frans Stravers, tel. 088-777 5892.