HIFI has already resulted in more than 60 scientific articles

How exactly are new stars born? Using the Dutch molecule hunter HIFI, astronomers have been trying to answer that question for the past 18 months. The results are highly promising: to date no fewer than 62 scientific articles have been published thanks to HIFI’s observations. For example, using the space instrument astronomers have discovered two …

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Lower melting rate Icecaps Greenland and Western Antarctic

The Greenland and West Antarctic ice caps are melting at half the speed previously predicted. This finding has emerged from research by a joint US/Dutch team from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, TU Delft and SRON. The scientists have published their findings in the September issue of Nature Geoscience. The two American Grace satellites (NASA) The …

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Herschel discovers water vapour in atmosphere carbon star

Astronomers have found water vapour in the atmosphere of a carbon star with the Herschel space observatory. Until now the formation of water vapour in the atmosphere of such a star was deemed impossible. The discovery was made by a team of astronomers led by Leen Decin (University of Amsterdam and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium). …

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VLT detects first superstorm on exoplanet

Astronomen zien superstorm van giftig gas op exoplaneet Nederlandse astronomen hebben voor het eerst een superstorm waargenomen in de atmosfeer van een exoplaneet, de bekende ‘hete Jupiter’ HD209458b. Zeer nauwkeurige waarnemingen van koolmonoxide laten zien dat dit gas met enorme snelheid van de extreem hete dagzijde van de planeet naar de koelere nachtzijde stroomt. De …

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Extreme gravity effects revealed by oxygen for the first time

Neutron star ‘eats’ oxygen-rich white dwarf in a peculiar binary system Astronomers from SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research and Utrecht University have found blurred oxygen signatures in the X-rays from a neutron star that ‘eats’ a white dwarf. For the first time the effects of extreme gravity are revealed by oxygen instead of iron …

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New directorate at space research institute SRON

SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research will have a new directorate effective July 1st, 2010. Professor of Astronomy Rens Waters (University of Amsterdam) will become the Science Director on this date and he will also assume the position of General Director. In that capacity he also bears the final responsibility for the institute. Dr. Roel …

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Astronomer Marijn Franx wins Spinoza Prize

De Spinozapremie is de hoogste Nederlandse onderscheiding in de wetenschap. Iedere laureaat ontvangt een subsidie van tweeënhalf miljoen euro. De Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO) kent de Spinozapremie jaarlijks toe aan Nederlandse onderzoekers die tot de absolute (internationale) top behoren. Het is de vierde keer dat een Nederlandse astronoom de Spinozapremie krijgt. Eerder viel …

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Most of the potentially hazardous asteroids not yet known

A new web page offers an overview of known Near Earth Asteroids (NEAs) which may have close encounters with the Earth in the next 200 years. NEAs present a clear and present danger to the world’s population. Once every 200 years a medium-sized NEA (diameter 40-1000 m) hits the Earth and causes serious local damage. Once …

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Astronomers find recoiling super-massive black hole

In a distant remote galaxy, astronomers have possibly found a super-massive black hole that is recoiling out of the galaxy at high speed. The black hole, visible with X-rays as a clear star, is not located as normal in the centre of the galaxy. Recoiling black holes are interesting because they provide insights into how …

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HIFI on the trail of new water in the Universe

HIFI’s quest for water sheds new light on the birth of stars in different regions of the Universe. This much became clear at The First Results Symposium of the Herschel space telecope, with onboard the Dutch space instrument HIFI. With HIFI scientist discovered ionised water for the first time in space. These electrically charged water …

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