{lang nl} In 2010-2012 sterke extra opname van kooldioxide boven Australië Satellietmetingen van koolstofdioxide in de aardatmosfeer geven inzicht in hoe klimaatverandering zelf – in de vorm van bijvoorbeeld zware regenval, droge periodes en overstromingen – de koolstofcyclus weer beïnvloedt op het Australische continent. De koolstofcyclus is mede bepalend voor hoe sterk het broeikaseffect is. …
Loss of Hitomi great blow to international space research
{lang en} Loss of Hitomi great blow to international space research After a perfect launch on 17 February and a few weeks of excellent operations the Japanese space telescope Hitomi was considered to be lost yesterday. A fault in the orientation of the satellite probably led to considerable damage to the space telescope. This is …
Mark Rutte and Jet Bussemaker visit SRON stand at Hannover Messe
{lang nl} Op de Hannover Messe 2016 namen minister-president Mark Rutte en minister van OCW Jet Bussemaker vandaag met aandacht kennis van het SRON-onderzoek. De bewindslieden luisterden en keken met aandacht naar korte presentaties over de SPEX-technologie en de Athena-missie. {/lang} {lang en} At the Hannover Messe 2016 prime-minister Mark Rutte en secretary Jet Bussemaker (OCW) …
HIFI project ends
Today the international HIFI project has come to a natural end. Since 1998, starting with a proposal to ESA, SRON and a great number of international partners have been working on the most complex instrument built so far by the institute. Over the years more than 300 people played an active role in the project; …
JAXA loses contact with Hitomi
{lang en} On 26 March the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) announced that a communications anomaly had occurred with its X-ray astronomical satellite Hitomi, known before launch as Astro-H. The cause of the communications anomaly is yet unknown. {lang nl} Het Japanse ruimtevaartagentschap JAXA heeft bekend gemaakt dat op 26 maart problemen zijn ontstaan met …
In memoriam Roel Gathier (1953-2016)
{nomultithumb} {lang nl} Op 14 maart is, na een kort ziekbed, SRON-directeur Dr. Roel Gathier (1953) overleden. Als Managing Director van SRON maar ook als voorzitter van de wetenschappelijke programmacommissie van ESA (SPC) heeft hij een belangrijk stempel gedrukt op het nationale en internationale ruimteonderzoek. Zijn voortijdige dood laat een leegte achter die moeilijk zal …
Japan launches new space telescope
{nomultithumb} {lang en} This morning Japan launched a new X-ray telescope. With the help of Dutch hardware the ASTRO-H-mission will study high-energy phenomena such as matter sucked in by black holes, turbulency in clusters of milky ways, schockwaves caused by supernova explosions and large-scale structures in the universe. ASTRO-H will also investigate dark matter and …
Renewed webpage Near Asteroids
The international webpage Near Earth Asteroids, a Chronology of Milestones, 1800 – 2200, has a new location. The renewed page is now on line at the site of ESA’s NEO Coordination Centre. The large (100 km) main-belt asteroid (21) Lutetia imaged by the European Rosetta Mission during its close flyby on July 2012 (ESA/OSIRIS Team) …
ASTRO-H launch event on Wednesday
The ASTRO-H launch has been rescheduled by the Japanese space agency JAXA to take place on Wednesday, 17th of February at 9:45 European Time. After the cancellation last Friday, SRON will again organize an event with talks on the importance of the mission and a livestream to witness the launch at SRON. Astro-H JAXA1 Invited …