GALAXY CLUSTER SCIENCE ‘We are entering the Golden Age’

Astronomers who are studying galaxy clusters are revealing more and more about how things work in the biggest structures in the universe. Thanks to newer telescopes that are being developed, they might soon be able to pinpoint more precisely how weak shock-structures in the tenuous hot gas in galaxy clusters and the acceleration of particles …

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GUSTO: NASA approved the budget for balloon-borne telescope mission

SRON and TU Delft are on a mission for revelation of the process of star-evolution in greater detail with Dutch technology. NASA recently approved the budget for the balloon-borne telescope mission GUSTO which is led by University of Arizona. The GUSTO telescope will be equipped with three Dutch ‘cameras’ for three different ‘colours’ in the …

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SRON Bloggers: Leven buiten de aarde ontdekken? Voor mijn pensioen graag!

Hoe is de aarde ontstaan? Hoe is het leven op aarde ontstaan? Zijn we alleen in het universum? Overal waar ik kijk, duiken die vragen op. Dat komt denk ik ook omdat het antwoord op de vraag die de mensheid al eeuwen bezighoudt, steeds meer binnen handbereik lijkt te komen. Ik durf te stellen dat …

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Asteroids and comets shower Mars with organics

Asteroids and comets appear to be a much more important supplier of organic molecules on Mars than expected. Until now, astronomers assumed that the organics on Mars mainly came from dust particles from space. Now, computer simulations by an international team of researchers led by Dutch astronomers indicate that one third of the material comes …

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SRON definitely relocating to South Holland

The executive board and supervisory board of NWO have taken a final decision about the relocation of SRON Utrecht to Leiden. This decision follows the intended decision that was announced in December. In line with the current plans, SRON Utrecht will relocate to a single new building at the Bio Science Park of Leiden University, …

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SRON has been qualified as excellent in space research

NWO institutes praised for quality, innovation and national role The nine NWO institutes have been evaluated by panels of independent, international experts. The experts praise the innovative research, the global position and the national role of the institutes. The scientific quality, societal relevance and future viability were in all cases assessed as ‘very good’ or …

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Technasiumscholen bij SRON te gast

Middelbare vwo-scholieren die het Technasium volgen, hebben Onderzoek en Ontwerpen als examenvak. In hun examenjaar leggen zij een Meesterproef af. Scholieren met een voorliefde voor lucht- en ruimtevaart konden als Meesterproef dit jaar kiezen voor deelname aan Moonmission 2018: een stapsgewijze missie van opdrachtgever Recycle Valley om op termijn een plastic verpakking op de maan …

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Landelijke Sterrenkijkdagen in Blaauw Sterrenwacht

Op vrijdag 23 en zaterdag 24 februari is de Blaauw Sterrenwacht op de Zernike Campus van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen geopend voor de 42-ste Landelijke Sterrenkijkdagen. Deze worden jaarlijks aangestuurd door de Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging voor Weer- en Sterrenkunde (KNVWS). De weersvoorspellingen zijn gunstig en verwachten heldere avonden. Het gevarieerde programma wordt mede aangeboden door Kapteyn …

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BETTER: mapping combustion processes with data from Tropomi

Professor Sander Houweling will use the space instrument Tropomi launched last year to calculate worldwide variations in combustion efficiency. Scientists do not yet have sufficient insight into regional variations and trends in this combustion efficiency. Consequently, it is difficult to accurately determine anthropogenic emissions worldwide. Sentinel-5 Precursor carries an imaging spectrometer called Tropomi. Image credit: …

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AEROSOURCE: new method for determining aerosol emissions

Researcher Dr Otto Hasekamp from SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research will develop a new method to determine aerosol emissions from different sources and thus better quantify the direct aerosol effect on climate. Aerosols are small dust particles in the atmosphere that influence air pollution and climate change, but their precise role remains unclear. Concept …

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