Daily Global Methane Map

SRON develops instrumentation for satellites that scan the entire Earth’s atmosphere on a daily basis, for methane and other gases. Sentinel-5p has been active in space since 2017 and its successor METOP-SG A will be launched in 2025. Every week, our scientists publish a world map of all major methane sources. That data goes to the United Nations, who subsequently alert the responsible governments and companies about their emissions, and to the Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service.

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Waar worden broeikasgassen uitgestoten?

Future CO2 Satellites

Our engineers are also working on space instrumentation that detects CO2. From 2027 onwards, the TANGO satellite constellation zooms in on individual emitters with 300×300-metre ground pixels and measures their CO2 and methane emissions. In contrast, the CO2M satellite has a wide field of view and will scan the entire Earth’s atmosphere for CO2, among other gases, every four days from 2027 onwards.

We also remain committed to continuously improving our detection technologies and processing satellite data more efficiently. This will allow us to provide the proper authorities with even better information.

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Our experts

  • Portretfoto Bram Maasakkers, SRON

    Bram Maasakkers

    Senior Scientist (dr. ir.)

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  • Ilse Aben

    Senior scientist (prof. dr.)

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  • Aaldert van Amerongen

    Head of the Earth Observation Program (Dr.)

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