Over the past few decades, thousands of planets have been discovered outside our Solar System, called exoplanets. Astronomers estimate that most stars host one and often multiple planets. The Milky Way alone has hundreds of billions of stars. You do the math. The discoveries of exoplanets have shown that the classical architecture of our Solar System is not standard; a rich variety of systems have been discovered. For example, giant planets which complete an orbit around their host star in only a few days or planetary systems with many tightly packed rocky planets. Also new classes of planets have been discovered: so-called Super-Earths and Sub-Neptunes.
We are now faced with the task of explaining this richness in planetary diversity. Moreover, the discovery that planetary systems are so common made the question if life can exist somewhere else in the Universe more intriguing than ever before. SRON’s exoplanet research focuses on the characterisation of the interiors and atmospheres of exoplanets. Which gases can we find? What does this tell us about the chemistry in the atmospheres? We use the chemical properties of the atmosphere as a probe for the planet’s evolutionary history and formation mechanism.
We work on these questions through modelling of atmospheres and interiors, writing software, and analysing data from space telescopes. We are also engaged in the development of those telescopes, such as PLATO and Ariel.