Ordered by date, most recent first.
Info call for proposals
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SRON Amsterdam / beslisdocumenten januari 2017
Voor toegang tot het onderliggende documentenbeheersysteem (bijv. om een bulk download te doen) klik hier {moskt fFolderId=15897&sel=/Title=&sort_on=Cat&browse=1&order=ASC&filesize=0&css=default&width=100&tools=0&sortable=0&dirpos=bottom,530}
Our RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY webpages are being updated in July-August!
Organogram SRON
SRON has a hybrid matrix structure consisting of four programme lines (Technology, Astrophysics, Exoplanets, and Earth), with a science group attached to each, and two expertise groups (Instrument science and Engineering). For more info please see Organization.
U heeft voor “Nederlands” gekozen, maar onze website is slechts beperkt tweetalig. Als er geen Nederlandse tekst beschikbaar is, verschijnt de Engelse tekst. [separator]
Portal for project members
This page provides access to documentation of projects of SRON with partly authentication required. [separator] AHEAD Athena/X-IFU CarbonSat CO2M MAP GUSTO Herschel/HIFI Hitomi (ASTRO-H) LISA Pathfinder LISA QPD METIS MicroCarb PLATO SPICA/SAFARI Sentinel-5 SPEX Airborne TROPOMI-SWIR X-ray Astronomy Recovery Mission XMM-Newton/RGS