
Getting started with SPEX has become easier because of the development of new guides and manuals. We combined all the manuals in an online help center:

SPEX Help Center

If you prefer a PDF manual, the manual can be downloaded from Zenodo.

Tip: You can search our manuals also using Google. Just type ‘ <search>’ in the Google search bar with <search> replaced by the text you want to search for. Our HTML manuals are online since 2019 and should get higher in the Google index if they are used more often.

Examples and exercises

We provide several exercises that can be used to learn how to fit a spectrum with the SPEX software. The PDF file below contains the description of the exercises and “Exercise files” contains all the spectra en response files that are needed to complete the exercises.



The data can be extracted from the TAR archive using the following command:

tar xvfz exercise-files.tar.gz